
Hamachi and Shrimp Nigiri, Saizen, Colaba lowEating my way through Colaba

There are approximately 85 stand-alone restaurants in Colaba.  I’ve decided to have a meal at (or from) every single one of the them in 2015 and write about it.

Having lived in Colaba all my life, I’ve eaten at about 90% of the restaurants in the neighbourhood. Many of the places from my childhood have shut down but many are still open. New restaurants have opened, many of these too have shut down. My aim is to write about the ones that still exist and through their stories perhaps capture the story of Colaba. Some of the pieces will be reviews but most of them will not; what they will be are the stories of the restaurants – when they opened, who owns them, what they replaced or what was around them when they opened.

For me, the northern most parts of  Colaba are Regal circle (SP Mukerji Chowk) at one end and the Gateway of India at the other and everything south to just past Colaba Post Office. It ends at the start of the cantonment zone just north of Afghan Church. It includes certain stretches of Wodehouse Road, but not all of it.

You will be able to find my pieces on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #colabanama

The series begins with:

1 Tanjore by Angie 

2 Carter’s Express

3 Alibaba BBQ and Seafood

Dinner at Saizen

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